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Workshop and Georgia Licensing Exam (GLE)

Registration and hotel room block closes 3/14/2025!

You must register under the Initial GLE Registration Membership or the Student Membership if you are not already a Participating Member of GCRA before you can register to take the GLE.  Click here to join.  Email us with any questions.

1. Georgia Court Reporters Workshop - $125.00

Study guide to be provided

2. Skills Test - $175.00

3. Written Knowledge Test - $150.00

Workshop and Written Test will occur 3/22/2025.

Skills Test will occur on 3/23/2025.

On testing day, doors will open 8:15 a.m. and close at 8:45 a.m.

 Click here to book your room! (When you click the link, go to the top of the page and choose the dates of stay and then search. It will bring up room and on the right hand side it will say Georgia Court Report.)