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March GLE Info-Updated

GCRA Testing P&P

Are you looking to make a difference and serve your profession? Or perhaps you’d like the opportunity to meet other court reporters and enjoy the camaraderie of making the court reporting industry in Georgia better?

As a member in good standing of GCRA, you have the privilege to serve and/or nominate a candidate to the GCRA Board of Directors. If you are interested in participating, by Friday, March 21, 2025, please submit via email to your own name, or the name of someone else who is willing to serve on the board, along with biographical information.

Once the 2025 slate of nominees is elected in April, the Board of Directors will vote on the positions each member will serve on the 2025-2026 GCRA Board. The full board each year elects who will serve in the positions comprising the Executive Committee, which consists of president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary.

Please note that although the term to serve on the board is three years, each position of the board is elected to a one-year term by the existing GCRA directors. And while three years may seem like a long time, the time flies by while serving.

Please consider joining us as we work to improve court reporting in Georgia!

Upcoming Events

Earn your Continuing Education credits through GCRA´s NEW E-Learning Module. Enroll TODAY!

GCRA Virtual Seminar 2022 Coming in JUNE!

No purchase required to view any content; however, if you would like CE credit to submit to the Georgia Board of Court Reporting (BCR Login) upon completion of a video, purchase is required for that credit.  You must be a member in good standing with GCRA to obtain your certificate.

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Earn CE credits from GCRA

Continuing Education

The first edition of Making the Record was published by the National Court Reporters Association in 1937. The booklet has undergone several revisions since it first appeared, and hundreds of thousands of copies have been distributed over the years to attorneys, law students, judges, educators, and others who have an interest in the orderly resolution of disputes and the cause of justice. Its purpose was and remains to help the bench and bar better understand the factors that help make a clear record.
Copyright ©1998 Revised May 2019
National Court Reporters Association
12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 400 Reston, Va. 20191-3484
800-272-6272 • FAX 703-391-0629 •

National Court Reporting Associations